Si*Mypaws Orly Oja

Date of birth: 3.2.2017

Colour: black tortie with white: MCO f 03

Fiv an FeLv negative

Parents: Si*Mypaws Joy of Life and Front Man by Imagine Glamour*Cz

Breeder: Andreja Ručman


Oja is our very sweet and special girl born in our cattery, she is our joy and pride and her story is a bit longer.

He comes from litter of 8 kittens, and we did't plan to keep kitten. But desteny wanted her to stay with us.

When she was just a month old she endjured her eye in a play with her brother preaty bad, well so bad that we thought she will stay withour it.

But while we do not exept easy solution, we decidet to try to save the eye and yes im proud to say we succsed and she have her eye and she can se on it also.


Datum rojstva: 3.2.2017

Barva: črna želvovinasta z belo: MCO f 03

Fiv in FeLv negativna

Starša: Si*Mypaws Joy of Life in Front Man by Imagine Glamour*Cz

Vzreditelj: Andreja Ručman


Oja je naša zlata in resnično posebna punca skotena v naši mačkarni, čeprav nismo imeli obdržati mladička iz legla je usoda hotela drugače.

Je naša ljubezen in ponos. Prihaja iz legla 8 mladičkov in kot mali mladiček stara komaj 4 tedne si je v igri z bratcem močno poškodovala oko. Tako močno, da smo mislili, da bo ostala brez njega.

Ker ne pristajamo na lahke odločitve, smo se odločili oko reševati. Po dolgih napornih mesecih nam je uspelo in ponosni smo, da je naša srčica oko obdržala, nanj pa tudi vidi.
