About Us/O Nas


We are small familly WCF - World Cat Federation (Le Petit Club) registred cattery in Domžale, Slovenia.

Cats are my pasion and soulmates. As I remember I am surrounded with cats. We fellt in love with the breed in year 2006 after a tragic lost our our beloved 16 years old domestic house cat. After his death we got our first neuterd boy and totally fail in love with the breed.

Our cattery is registrated since 2009.

Goal is to breed healthy and happy cats. All our breeding cats have necery tests important for a health of the kittens.

 Cats and kittens are members of our familly and carring for the health, happyness and needs are our priority.

We breed with heart, soul and knowlage.


Smo majhna družinska mačkarna registrirana v WCF-World Cat Federation (Le Petit klub) in prihajamo iz Domžal.

Mačke so naša strast in sorodne duše. Že od ranega otroštva sem obkrožena z mačkami. V pasmo smo se zaljubili leta 2006, po tragični izgubi 16 letnega domačega muca. Po njegovi smrti smo dobili našega prvega Maine Coon fanta oz. kastrata.

Naša mačkarna je registrirana od leta 2009.

Naš cilj je vzrejati zdrave in zadovoljne mačke, ki ustrezajo pasemskem standardu. Vse naše vzrejne mačke imajo opravljena potrebna testiranja za zdravje mladičkov.

Naše mačke in mladički so pomemben del naše družine, zato je naša prioriteta 

Vzrejamo z srcem, dušo in znanjem.