Litter C2/Leglo C2

We have beautifull kittens from amazing combinatio of parents.

Parents are tested and negative on genetic diseases.

Born: 21.1.2021

HCM: N/N combination


Imamo čudovite mladičke iz fantastične kombinacije staršev.

Starši so testirani in negativni na genske bolezni.

Skoteni: 25.1.2021

HCM: N/N kombinacija

SI*MYPAWS CINNAMON CHIQUITITA- girl/samička, red classic tabby with white Mco d 09 22- RESERVED

2 weeks old/ 2 tedna

3 weeks old/3 tedni

4 weeks old/4 tedni

SI*MYPAWS CANNABIS COOKIE- male/samček, black classic tabby with white Mco n 09 22- OPTION


2 weeks old/2 tedna

3 weeks/3 tedni

4 weeks/4 tedni

SI*MYPAWS CUPID'S ARROW- male/samček, red classic tabby with white Mco d 09 22- RESERVED


2 weeks old/2 tedna

3 weeks old/3 tedni

4 weeks old/4 tedni

SI*MYPAWS CHEROKEE SPARKLE- male/samčkek, black classic tabby with white Mco n 09 22- RESERVED


2 weeks old/2 tedna

3 weeks old/3 tedni

4 weeks old/4 tedni

SI*MYPAWS CAMPARI PASSION- male/samček, red classic tabby with white Mco d 09 22- RESERVED


2 weeks old/2 tedna

3 weeks old/4 tedni

4 weeks old/4 tedni

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